In today’s workplace, it is more important than ever for employees to have strong communication skills. Whether you are speaking with a customer, your manager, or another team member, clear and effective communication is essential for success.
Communication skills can be broken down into several key areas: listening, reading, writing, speaking, and interpersonal skills.
The ability to communicate well demonstrates self-awareness and confidence as well as trustworthiness and respect for others. In fact, one study found that the single most important predictor of career success is the ability to demonstrate strong communication skills.
Great communicators are also able to build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients which helps them advance their career faster than those who struggle with communication.
These 8 skills will help you stand out from other job applicants when applying for new roles at your company or any other organization.
Set Clear Goals Before Communication
Communication is much more than just talking with another person. It is about expressing yourself clearly and effectively. Before you open your mouth, stop and ask yourself what you want to get out of the conversation so that you can frame your words appropriately.
Ask yourself: What do I want to say? Why do I want to say it? Who is the audience for my communication? How can I say what I want in the best way possible? What tone should I use? What is the best medium for my communication? What are the possible outcomes and reactions to my communication?
Once you’ve clarified your goals, you can focus on engaging in a positive and productive manner.
Develop Your Reading Skills
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your communication skills.
The more you read, the more you will understand the different communication styles of others, as well as your own strengths and weaknesses. Reading also allows you to reflect on what you’ve read and apply it to your life or work.
Reading books, magazines, or even emails that come your way are great ways to improve your communication skills.
You could also try reading aloud to improve your oral communication skills. Reading aloud is an effective way to practice different communication styles and voices, especially if you’re required to read aloud for work.
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Have a Good Vocabulary
Words matter.
The more precise and specific your language, the more likely your message will be understood by your audience. The more complex and sophisticated your vocabulary, the more you will be able to impress your colleagues and clients.
Practice using a thesaurus to find alternative words that are more precise and sophisticated. You could also try reading books or articles that will expand your vocabulary.
Communicating well is about more than just the words you use, but also your tone and body language. However, words are an important starting point.
Be an Excellent Speaker
Most people focus on their written communication skills, while ignoring their spoken communication skills. How you speak can have an even stronger impact than what you say.
The tone of your voice, the volume in which you speak, and the speed at which you talk can reveal a lot about you.
Take the time to practice your public speaking skills, and try to find opportunities to speak at work or within your community. It might also be a good idea to record yourself speaking to see how you come across to others. This is a great way to get real feedback on your communication style.
Be an Effective Writer
What you write is just as important as how you speak. Your written communication should flow well and be easy to read and understand.
Be precise and specific with the language you use, and don’t be afraid to rewrite your work to improve its quality.
An important part of written communication is understanding your reader. What motivates them? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What is their communication style? These are just a few questions you could ask yourself as you write.
You should also ask your reader these things before you send them your work. This will allow you to tailor your writing to your reader’s preferences, which will increase their chance of understanding your work.

Know When to Use Communication Tools
Just because you want to write an email or make a phone call doesn’t mean that you should.
Each communication style has its place, and knowing how and when to use them will help you get your message across more effectively.
Email is a great communication tool, but it is not ideal for every situation. It’s best to use it when you want to share information with a large number of people or when you need a record of the conversation. Email is not a good choice when you need to express emotions or build relationships.
When you need to convey feelings, try making a phone call. You’ll have the added benefit of being able to read your audience’s reaction in their voice.
Be a Good Listener
Listening is as important as speaking. If you are only focused on what you have to say, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to build better relationships with others.
Poor listening skills can result in you missing key information or being dismissive of your colleagues.
Good listening skills, however, will allow you to build stronger relationships with your team members, clients, and superiors.
Practice your listening skills by slowing down and being present in the moment. Show that you are actively listening by nodding your head, making eye contact, and occasionally summarizing what you’ve heard so far.
These simple steps will go a long way toward demonstrating your communication skills.
Understand Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are the foundation for all successful communication. Without these skills, you will struggle to engage with your team members and clients.
These skills can be broken down into three categories: self-awareness, empathy, and relationships.
Self-awareness is an important part of interpersonal skills because it allows you to see your strengths and weaknesses. It also allows you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of others.
Empathy allows you to understand and care for the feelings of others. It’s important to show empathy toward your colleagues while maintaining your own feelings and beliefs.
The ability to form positive relationships is critical to success in any job. Interpersonal skills can be learned, and they are a skill set that will benefit you both professionally and personally.
Taking the time to develop these skills will help you communicate better with your team members, clients, and superiors.
Communication skills are essential for career success. Many people focus on their written or spoken communication skills, but they forget about reading and listening. The more you practice your communication skills, the easier they will become.
It is also important to remember that communication is a two-way street and that you should be open to receiving as well as sending communication. If you want to succeed in your career, you need to strengthen your communication skills.
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