Decluttering means clearing the clutter from your home. It is not the same as organizing or cleaning the home/workplace. Declutter means choosing what you want to keep in your home/office/life. Choosing only the things that flow positive energy in you. Making a place for things in life that matter. Possessing too many things which you do not use or need creates chaos or disorderliness.
Have you experienced, you have too many clothes in the cupboard but still feel nothing appropriate to wear? or do you remember you had kept your pair of sunglasses somewhere but can’t remember where? If it sounds familiar then decluttering is for you.
Why Declutter your home or office?
- You may find things that you need easily or you won’t lose things.
- It will save you a LOT of time and energy and money too 🙂
- You can focus better and be more productive and creative.
- It will make you feel calmer and peaceful
- You will be less stressed or anxious.
- You will live life more intentionally. (Ultimate goal)

Basic steps of Decluttering your home :
Collect all:
Bring all items in the same category in one place. ex. socks. Collect all socks off everyone in the family in one place.
Sort in 3 categories
a. Discard -Identify old, worn, damaged, chipped things and discard them
b. Donate – Identify things in good condition but not useful for you anymore or do not suit your lifestyle. Donate such things to poor or needy person.
c. Keep – Things that you love and will surely use
If you are not sure you may donate or keep, set them aside for 1/3/ 6 months and then decide again. If you have not used them in that time then you may NEVER use them. Donate.
3. Organize:
Place all the “keep” items in one place preferably. Neatly stacked and organized. Some items such as sweater are not needed regularly so place them seperately.
If you have never tried decluttering, I would humbly request you to give it a genuine try this time. And you will know why it is the first step in self-improvement.
Comment or tag us @evolveforbetterlife on Facebook and Instagram.
Ready to delve in and evolve for a better life!!

30 days Declutter challenge to declutter your home
Day 1 – Stationery
Accumulate all the stationery in your house in one place. It shall include pens/ color pens/ erasers/ sharpeners or any such stationery that is used by adults and kids alike in your house. Sort them into different categories. Discard the old / broken and dried ones. Figure out if you have any stationery in multiples. Sort them and place them back in one place. You may use stationery organizers or create one with help of packaging materials or takeaway containers.
Day 2 – Scarf / Tie / Handkerchief /Napkins
A cluttered drawer of Ties or handkerchief would mean that you never find the one that you wish to wear on a day. Discard the old ones or the ones that you have not used for the last 6 months. You probably wouldn’t need them ever. You can use these organizers to arrange them.
Day 3 – Refrigerator
Decluttering a refrigerator can be weekly activity than a one-time activity. Take down every item that is kept inside the refrigerator. Start putting back only those items that are edible or you may use them. Discard those extra packets of mayonnaise from your last takeaway if you don’t use them. Wipe the fridge clean with plain water before placing everything back. You may arrange some baskets or boxes in your refrigerator to make them organized. I like my refrigerator with fewer containers.
Day 4 – Medicines
Search all the medicine in the house, check the expiry date, throw expired ones, and organize.
Day 5 – Expired Food
Any ready-to-eat tins, spices, flours, or any dry food on your kitchen shelf kept for more than six months may not be edible. If you have been thinking that you will need it / use it/ cook something with it soon and it has already been six months, then please agree with yourself that you may NEVER use it. It may no longer be edible. Let your brain rule your heart. Throw that food away and wash that container to store useful things. You may also find some food that is close to expiry and can use it before it goes bad.
Yes, as a Typical Indian wife I understand the emotions we attach to the kitchen and everything in it but let us be rational and move ahead
Buying the food in bulk or buying multiple packs during a sale is economical. However, often we do not use them. Take off all the food from the shelf. Discard all the expired food. For food that is closer to expiry, make a food plan accordingly so that you can use it within a week.
Build a new habit – whenever you buy food in bulk, make a weekly food plan such as to use the food at the earliest. This shall help you save money in a real sense.

Day 6 – Cleaning supplies
We have a different set of cleaning detergents for cleaning sinks, bathrooms, floors, etc. Did you know that most of the cleaners can be used interchangeably? Floor cleaner can be used to clean bathroom and sink too. So instead of buying and storing multiple fancy cleaners, figure out which cleaner can be used as multipurpose. Buy same in bulk. You will be able to save money accordingly.
Figure out which of the cleaners are partially used. Keep them separate so that you can finish them before starting with new packs.
Day 7 – Hair and body accessories
Accumulate all the make-up and accessories and sort them. You will get an overview of how many lipsticks you own (more than you ever thought you did, isn’t it?) Discard the ones that you don’t use or those that are expired. Keep only the make-up that is in good condition and usable.
You may use make-up organizers to arrange your make-up and accessories.
Day 8 – Carry bags
Do you have carry bags stuffed in one of big bag which is literally spilling over? Have you stuffed carry bags below the bed or below your kitchen sink? It is time to change that.
Gather all your carry bags (plastic / paper/ cloth ones too). Decide which ones do you want to keep. Fold them neatly and designate one place to keep them all together. So that next time when you are looking for one, you know exactly where to find it.
Read more >> How to save money every month?
Day 9 – Vanity bag / Office bag
We all own bags and purses that we use for various occasions. You may have ethnic ones for festivals and classy ones for your office parties. Look through all the bags and purses that you own. Keep only those that are in good condition.
Figure out which of the bags do you need to buy in the future as per your current collection. You may store expensive bags that you seldom use in a thin cloth bag to preserve them longer.

Day 10 – Apps and games on mobile phone
This one is interesting. Did you realize that when you download any app or game on mobile, it keeps sending push notifications or SMS continuously to your mobile? Some of the apps are not used daily. They may have been downloaded for a particular reason. So decluttering these apps shall help you lessen the apps and notifications on your mobile.
These notifications are intended to push you towards making purchases. So by taking these apps out of your mobile, you will save the money that you would have to spend otherwise buying things that you did not need.
Day 11 – Socks and shoes
Discard those pair of shoes that no longer fit you in. Or the ones that are chipped at ends. You will make a lot of space in the shoe rack. You can visibly see the good pair of shoes that you own and can use suitably.
Once-loved shoes no longer fit you or are too worn out. One sock in your cupboard has run away from its twin. It’s time to drive them out.
Declutter your shoes and socks.
There may be socks that are torn or have their pair missing. Discard those. Fold the socks together in pairs and arrange them neatly so that they become easy to locate during busy hours.
Day 12 – Cutlery – all spoons, spatulas
Are you sure of how many kinds of spoons and spatulas you own? Sort them in the set and you will discover which ones are good and which ones you can use. Trash the rest or donate them to the needy.
I use takeaway containers to segregate the spoons and spatulas in the drawer. You may even buy small baskets to organize them.
Day 13 – Plates and dishes
Crockery: Plates and dishes it’s your turn.
Sort all the plates and dishes. Discard or donate those which do not fit into the set.
Day 14 – Magazines and newspaper
Declutter all the magazines which you have kept for sake of recipes but never cooked them. Time to say goodbye. If you still think you will need those recipes or articles, click the picture and store them in your google drive. When we start with digital declutter (that’s going to be soon) we shall deal with them again.
Tip: Download and enter your email details. It shall guide you to unsubscribe to numerous emails that you have subscribed to.

Day 15 – Books
Ahh, my favorite!!! This is the most difficult part of decluttering. I find it very difficult to discard any of the books.
Sort all the books that you have read. Keep the books you wish to read or you would like to add to your library. Donate the remaining ones to your friends or nearest library.
Read more >> How to read more books in less time?
Day 16 – Identification papers and their copies.
Passport/ visa/ aadhar card/ ration card and all their copies. Sort important identity documents. Discard copies of expired documents. Make new copies that you may need in urgency.
Day 17 – Property / Investment and loan Documents
We generally tend to keep postponing the organization of important property documents. Keep them in different folders. Reorganize all the documents in a single folder. Sort all the mortgage or loan documents in the order of payment date.
All the investment papers or electronic records shall be reorganized today. Make a tracker if needed about maturity. Put all of them in one place in neat order
Day 18 – CDs/DVDs/ Movie tapes / Movies on Hard Disk or Computer
Yes, some of us still have a collection of old tapes and CDs. Decide if you want to convert them to digital files. The nearest recording studio can help you do that. Especially ones of a special occasion such as a wedding.
Go through digital movies on your computer. Check which ones you want to delete. You may also come across some movies which you have not watched. Make for movie binge-watch over next weekend with your loved ones.
Day 19 – Seasonal items like umbrella, coats, sweater
Such items get neglected for the rest of the year. Check if they are in good condition. IF any of them need repairs, assign the task of repair. Store them in good condition in proper storage condition.
Checking them regularly once in 3-4 months will prevent mold from growing over them.

Day 20 – Clothes
Clothes – All of them
This is a HUGE task to declutter for everyone. I am not sure if you can do this in one day. But considering that we have learned the basics of decluttering, let us hope that you are ready for this big task now.
- Gather all clothes in one place in a big heap
- Sort the clothes in Keep, Dispose of, Donate, Repair bundles.
- Keep only clothes which you love to wear.
- Old and worn-out clothes need to be disposed of in the garbage bin. (Unless to plan to recycle them into something creative)
- For clothes that are in good condition but no longer fit you or fit your lifestyle, donate them. Every major city has a Freecycle Facebook group (Like FreeCycle Abu Dhabi (Original)) where members donate or receive pre-loved things. Check that for your city to donate your clothes.
- Clothes, that need minor repairs, are to be kept in separate carry bags and ensure that you take it to repair within 1-2 days or that’s going to be another clutter soon.
Post your pics on your Instagram and tag @evolveforbetterlife to tell us how is it going. This task surely needs the inspiration to undertake.
Day 21 – Bathroom Accessories
We had decluttered the cleaning supplies earlier. Now we shall tackle all other accessories in the bathroom. After decluttering, wash the storage boxes in the bathroom.
Day 22 – Kids toys and memorabilia
Sort all the toys and books as per your kid’s age and decide which ones need to stay.
Day 23 – Towels / Napkins
Sort all the napkins and Towels. Discard the ones you no longer use or recycle. If needed, buy new ones to replace the old ones you discarded.
Day 24 – Bedsheet / Pillow / Pillow covers
Sort the old bedsheets that you no longer require. Look for the pillow covers to be in pairs. Fold them together with matching bed sheets. It will let you know how many you have and how you can plan to use them alternatively.

Day 25 – Tools
Plumbing / Electrical / Gardening tools need to be sorted today. Arrange them in one place so that it becomes easier for you to see if you have multiple pieces of the same item. Also, it becomes easy to find them when you need them.
Day 26 – Kitchen countertops
Recipe books / Electrical appliances / Drying rack…. There could be numerous things on your kitchen platform. Figure out if you would like to place them there or put them on some shelf. Clean and dispose of accordingly.
Day 27 – Make-up essentials
Gather all the make-up essentials you own. Figure out if you have multiples, expired or dried ones, or unused ones. Keep them all in one place. Sort the ones that need to go. With the remaining ones, choose a few to use regularly. Then you may move to the new ones.
Day 28 – Sentimental Items
This includes Memorabilia / Awards / Trophy / Photo albums.
These are some of the most difficult items to declutter. All the gifts, awards, trophies you have received, bring all the memories back. Sort what you want to display and which ones you would like to put in the box. You may get lost in your memories but learn to pull yourself back. Clock the time you want so that you can finish the task within that deadline.

Day 29 – Décor in your home/workplace
If you have some décor that you think is old or needs attention or have decor that gifted to you but don’t think you will use it ever, please decide to give it away or dispose of it. It is taking an unnecessary place in your household.
Day 30 – Miscellanous Items
There could be many things which we did not cover. Your home and life are not the same as anyone else. So there could be something which you have been thinking of decluttering but wasn’t on the list. Go for it today on the last day of the challenge. There could also be some days you missed. You may like to take up those tasks today.
Stay in touch
Let me know in the comments below, how did your decluttering challenge go – what were the challenges that you encountered and how did you overcome them.
You can also learn about ways more about self-improvement on my Pinterest account, Instagram and facebook. Join my facebook group to mingle with like-minded people who are interested in personal growth and self-improvement.
We are in this together!!!