Having strong communication skills is a sought-after trait in any job. Having good communication skills makes you easy to work with, and can help you advance your career. Are you struggling with basic communication skills? Do you think you would like to improve your communication skills in 15 minutes daily but don’t know? Well, here are some simple and quick actions that can make remarkable difference to your communication skills.

Communication skills come in handy in almost any situation. Whether you’re speaking to someone one-on-one or in front of a group, communicating clearly and effectively can be challenging at times. That’s why it’s important to hone your communication skills on a regular basis.
Fortunately, there are many ways to improve your communication skills quickly and easily. Improving your communication skills doesn’t take very long at all – these tips will take about 15 minutes total!
This blog post includes helpful advice on how you can improve your communication skills by breaking down complex ideas into smaller pieces, using active listening techniques, and more.
Read more >> 8 important Communication skills for success in career
Make your point using simple language
When you’re trying to communicate a complex idea, you might be tempted to use big, complicated words and phrases. But communicating in this way makes it difficult for others to understand what you’re saying.
Instead, use simple language that breaks down your complex ideas into smaller, easier to understand pieces. This will make it easier for others to grasp what you’re saying, which will allow them to respond more effectively. This is especially important if you’re giving a presentation at work.
Feynman Technique is considered to be one of most effective method. Pretend to teach the concept to a student of sixth grade. If you feel the concept is too difficult, go back to resources. Organize and break down the concept to more simpler language and method.
When you’re speaking to a group of people, you want to make sure that everyone fully comprehends what you’re saying. Using simple language will help you achieve this goal.
If you’re presenting to a small group, you can also make it easier for everyone to follow along by writing key points on a whiteboard or using a projector to display your presentation slides.

Use active listening techniques
Many people think active listening is a passive activity, but that’s not the case.
Active listening means you’re actively engaging with the person you’re speaking with. You’re putting yourself in their shoes and making an effort to fully comprehend their message. Active listening helps you better understand what the other person is saying, which will make it easier for you to respond.
If you’re actively listening, you’ll know how to respond to the other person’s concerns more effectively. When you’re engaging in active listening, you should look for opportunities to respond to what the other person is saying.
If you can respond to what they’re saying, you’ll be able to move the conversation forward. You should also avoid any habits that might be impeding your ability to actively listen: For example, make sure you don’t interrupt the other person while they’re speaking.
Read more >> How to improve public speaking skills if you have stage fear?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Strong communication skills mean you can communicate effectively with both peers and superiors. If you’re not understanding everything your superior is saying, you could miss out on an important opportunity at work.
To avoid this, make sure you know what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. To do this, don’t be afraid to ask questions when you need clarification. This is especially important when meeting with your superior for the first time.
During the meeting, make sure you’re actively listening and asking questions whenever you don’t understand what’s being said. This will help you get a better grasp of your superior’s expectations.

Confidence is key
You might think strong communication skills are all about the words you use and how effectively you present your thoughts and ideas. But confidence plays an important role in your communication skills.
If you’re not confident in what you’re saying, your communication skills will suffer. But if you’re confident in what you’re saying, your communication skills will improve.
You can build and maintain confidence in several ways:
- Visualize yourself communicating in an effective manner. This will help you prepare a mental script for your next communication situation.
- Practice talking with friends and family members until you feel confident in your communication skills.
- Eliminate negative self-talk. This will help you maintain confidence in your ability to communicate effectively.
- Look for ways to improve your communication skills. This will help you feel confident in your ability to communicate effectively.

Summing up
Communication is an essential part of life. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a romantic relationship, a friendship or a business partnership – if you can’t communicate well with others, you probably won’t last very long.
Luckily, improving your communication skills isn’t a difficult process. All you have to do is make sure you’re using simple language, actively listening to those around you and aren’t afraid to ask questions. Confidence is also important – make sure you’re prepared and comfortable with what you’re saying and you’ll be able to communicate more effectively.
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